In this Sacrament of healing, we recognize our human limitations and failures as well as God’s unconditional love for us. The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives us the great gift of forgiveness. Through this Sacrament, we are offered spiritual healing, pardon through God’s mercy and are restored to a proper relationship with God and the Church community.
The Sacrament is usually celebrated in private by confessing one’s sins to God through the intersession of a priest who guides the confessor through the Sacrament. Reconciliation includes contrition (identifying our sins through examination of conscious), confession (telling the priest aloud our sins), absolution (forgiveness of our sins by the priest through words of absolution) and satisfaction (striving to repair the damage our sins have caused by performing works of penance). The church asks us to celebrate this Sacrament at least once a year or when a more serious sin has been committed, further distancing us from our relationship with God and others.
Reconciliation at San Agustin is celebrated on Saturdays from 4:00 – 4:30pm or by appointment.
Contact the Parish Office if you wish to make and appointment
Adolescents and Adults seeking the Sacraments of Initiation will also learn about and prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Parish children are introduced to the Sacrament around the age of 7 (the age of reason) during second grade. There is a formal period of preparation that takes place when enrolled in our regular religious education classes. Parents and children participate in a retreat and children come with their families to receive this Sacrament for the first time during Lent at our Parish wide Reconciliation Service.
Contact the Parish Office for more information